Note: This is a revision of a post I published in 2018. My kids have since successfully completed their homeschool education.
As I sat listening to each child share their short stories during homeschool co-op, I was amazed. These kids had excellent writing skills. Their creativity and talent shone brightly, and for a moment, I was captivated. But that moment of admiration quickly turned into self-doubt as my inner critic whispered, “My kids can’t write like that. I must be failing as a homeschool teacher.” Oh, how quickly negativity creeps in!
By the time we left, doubt had taken hold. The thoughts kept replaying: My kids don’t write like those other kids. Most of those kids are even younger than mine! My children hate writing. I must be doing something wrong. The uneasy feeling lingered for days, shadowing my confidence. I even caught myself browsing new curriculums and researching ways to “fix” their writing skills. But then I stopped.
What was I doing? I was comparing my kids to others. Is that what I’m called to do? Absolutely not. In that moment, I realized I was undervaluing my own children’s unique, God-given gifts while placing more importance on the talents of others. Ouch. A heartfelt prayer for forgiveness was definitely in order.
God’s Word offers a powerful reminder in Romans 12:6-8:
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
Who am I to think the gift of writing is more important than any other? Do my children have gifts? Without a doubt. Just last week, my son built me a fully functional computer—from a pile of parts. Is that a skill? Absolutely. Did I teach him that? No, but I did teach him how to research and pursue his interests. Watching him excel in something he’s passionate about reminds me that God equips each of us differently. I haven’t failed him just because writing isn’t his strongest area.
Please don’t fall into the comparison trap like I did. Your children are unique. Everyone has different gifts, and they display them in their own ways. Yes, teach your children the essential skills they need for life, but don’t measure their success against others. An aspiring writer is no more valuable than a joyful servant. Both are beautiful in God’s eyes.
Encourage your children’s gifts. Celebrate their passions. Pray that they’ll use their abilities for God’s glory. And when those whispers of comparison creep in, let them go. Trust that God’s plan for your children is far better than anything you could ever imagine.

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